Loyas Estate Quasi Endowment

Established under the direction of Mr. Loyas’s will, this scholarship will be available to students who meet the following criteria regardless of their field of study:

- Students who demonstrate an appreciation of Polish tradition, culture, history and/or community life; - Are incoming freshmen or are currenly enrolled in a degree-granting program at Seton Hall University; - Demonstrate financial need; - Demonstrate academic competency by maintainging a minimum GPA of 3.0

First-time applicants will need to complete a short essay explaining the importance to them of Polish and/or Polish-American culture. A student will remain eligible for a Loyas Scholarship provided the student continues to demonstrate financial need and academic proficiency. In addition, in keeping with the University’s goal of promoting servant-leadership, renewal of the scholarship will also depend on the student’s ongoing performance of community service. Scholarship funds may also be allocated to support eligible students who wish to pursue their studies in Poland.

Initial members of the selection committee will include:

- Anna Kuchta, Professor, Department of Modern Languages and Faculty advisor to the Slavic Club
- reverend James Spear, Director, Campur Minsitry
- Richard Hunter, Professor, Department of Finance & legal studies
- A representative from Enrollment Services

The selection committee shall be cognizant of the importance of choosing as their successors faculty/staff members or friends of the University who have an appreciation of Polish and/or Polish-American culture. In that regard, the faculty advisor to the Slavic Club (or his/her designee) will be a permanent representative of the Loyas Scholarship Selection Committee.

Merit Based, Need based
Supplemental Questions
  1. A personal statement focusing on how you demonstrate commitment to the development of Polish community life and Poland’s continued contribution to a peaceful, democratic and united Europe,
  2. Please describe a significant experience where you participated in community service or civic engagement. Include your role, the impact on the community, and how this experience shaped your personal and academic goals.