Reinkenmeyer Nursing Scholarship

Established in honor of Sister Agnes Reinkemeyer for students who are actively involved in professional or student nurse associations, demonstrate leadership in student activities, can accurately asses their strengths and weaknesses consistent with their career goals, have a realistic yet visionary perception of nursing as a profession, act to effect change in the provisions of nursing as a profession, and improve their practice by seeking new and divergent approaches to meeting patient’s needs.

College of Nursing
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please describe how your active involvement in professional or student nurse associations, demonstrated leadership in student activities, self-assessment of strengths and weaknesses in alignment with your career goals, visionary perception of nursing, actions to effect change in nursing provision, and pursuit of innovative approaches to meet patient needs qualify you for this scholarship.
  2. Please provide a short essay about yourself and your reason(s) for requesting a scholarship from the College of Nursing.